This 3-day workshop will broach topics relating to the co-management of Arctic marine animal resources.
This two-day workshop, Incorporating Applied Genomics and DNA based Tools into an Ecosystem Level Framework to Manage Arctic Marine Biota, will run concurrently with Canadian Polar Data Workshop V (CPDW5).
This hybrid in-person and online workshop seeks to bring together Indigenous and community-based hunters, trappers, custodians, municipal and government agencies to facilitate knowledge transfer between those that have a vested interest in the conservation, preservation and continuing sustainable management of Muskoxen and the potential for the science of genomics to open new avenues of tools that could assist in securing the future of this exceptional icon of the Arctic.
Join us in Victoria between February 21st and 25th for the fourth Canadian Polar Data Workshop.
In the context of rapid and dramatic global environmental change, and the major changes in Arctic and global ecosystems expected over the next decade, what role do you think genomics can play in helping to foster adaptation of living species and mitigation of impacts? This overarching question will guide discussion in our inaugural Arctic Genomics workshop.
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